What To Look For When Purchasing A Gas Cylinder Storage Cabinets?

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits

The safety of your employees is your number one priority. Your environmental impact isn’t too far behind. If your operations require you to have gas cylinders on the property, these can, when dropped, tipped, or exposed to heat, create extreme hazards.

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Choosing The Best Spill Kit For Your Chemical Store

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits

Companies that handle potentially hazardous materials and liquids have a responsibility to maintain a healthy workspace for their employees and protect the environment against any adverse effects of their work. Hazardous materials, including solvents, fuels, oils, coolants, or industrial chemicals, could be unsafe for your employees or the environment if a spill occurs. In the event of a chemical spill, make sure you are prepared to contain and clean it as soon as practicable to avoid additional damage.

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How Do I Work Safely with Corrosive Storage Cabinets?

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits

Chemical storage cabinets are an integral part of many laboratories and industrial settings. It is important to ensure that these cabinets are used safely in order to avoid potential injuries. In this blog post, we will discuss how to work safely with corrosive storage cabinets. We will cover the hazards associated with these cabinets and provide tips for safe use.

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