4 Reasons Why You Need A Spill Kit On Site

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
4 Reasons Why You Need a Spill Kit on Site | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

If your business regularly utilizes and/or transports any kind of liquid from oils and fuels to aggressive chemicals as part of your regular activities, then you are going to need a spill kit. While the industrial use of most liquids requires spill kits by law in Australia to prevent personal injury and damage to the environment, there are many benefits for your business as well.  

This might be avoiding unnecessary property damage, minimizing downtime when there is a spill and improving employee morale by letting everyone know that all of the bases are covered no matter what. That is why you need a spill kit. Below you will find a more detailed outline of just why. 
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How A Mercury Spill Should Be Cleaned Up

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
How A Mercury Spill Should Be Cleaned Up | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

Mercury is a heavy silvery-white metal that is liquid at room temperatures. It is commonly found in fever thermometers and other household, commercial and industrial items such as barometers, cooking thermometers, thermostats and fluorescent light bulbs.  Despite its usefulness, it can be toxic to human beings if not correctly managed.
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What To Do In The Event of An Oil Spill in an Industrial Kitchen

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
Oil Spill in an Industrial Kitchen | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

Kitchen oil spills may seem harmless, especially if it’s only a tiny spill, but if left uncontained or uncontrolled, it can leak into the ecosystem, and cause major environmental harm.

Oil spills are a recurrent cause of suffocation and thus the death of many marine mammals, including dolphins, seals, sea otters, and whales. Oil and water simply do not mix, as oil floats on the surface of the water and can block sunlight from reaching marine life.

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