Understanding the Environmental Impact of Commercial Cleaning Chemicals

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
Cleaning Chemicals | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

When you choose to clean your personal home or your industrial workplace, it is always because you want your environment safe and hygienic.. To do this, most people use various chemicals for cleaning as it helps strip away any dirt and build up on most surfaces.

However, while these cleaning chemicals do work, the fact remains that chemicals usually have adverse effects on in our environment.  Read more

Hazmat Manifest Box | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

When it comes to hazardous materials, like radioactive chemicals, dangerous acids and even highly reactive materials, it is important to note that you cannot use the same tools you would use for any other material to store and transport these items.

Hazardous materials have the potential to negatively affect anything they touch — be it humans, environments and the overall ecosystem it is exposed to. With this, it is only natural for precautions to be made when storing and transporting these materials.

If you are in the business of handling hazardous materials, then you know how important it is to ensure their safe transport and comply with industry-specific regulations. Luckily, manifest box sets allow you to keep documentation about your authority to handle and transport these materials as well as your credibility to handle them properly and safely throughout the trip!

Let’s dive right into the benefits of having an Emergency Manifest Box Set of your own!
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Ducted and Ductless Biohazard Safety Cabinets: Which One Should You Choose?

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
corrosive safety cabinets

If you’re in the business of handling hazardous chemicals, such as in construction and industrial works, it is important to know that handling hazardous chemicals is a lot different than other chemicals.

Biohazard chemicals have the capacity to cause harm to humans in contact with them, to the environment that gets exposed to it and to the overall ecosystem. Because of this, it is of utmost importance that companies working with biohazard chemicals make sure that they are able to store these chemicals properly.  Read more

Understanding Silt Socks for Sediment and Pollution Control in Waterways

  • Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits
Silt Socks - 150mm x 3m | Ecospill | Spill Kit Training, Products & Services

When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your workplace — especially if you work for an industrial company, you’ll realise that more than just the cleanliness of your area and your containment efforts for hazardous chemicals, being able to have clear waterways is one of the most important things to constantly have.

When you undergo construction, industrial work or other land disturbances, it is the integrity of our waterways that makes sure that no sediment build-up happens. This causes inconveniences and problems in the workplace, which is why waterway maintenance is of utmost importance.

With this, silt socks offer a convenient way for you to handle sediment and pollution in both your water and waterway. This tool can easily absorb and filter unnecessary materials, keep your workplace neat and in order, and ensure the operations of your workplace remain smooth and undisturbed. Read more