It’s just another day in the warehouse when all of a sudden a loud crash alerts you to danger. A drum has fallen, draining its contents onto the floor. In the fight to clean spills, absorbents are your best friend, which is why they are the main component of any good spill kit.
Train travel has been a staple of both human and product transport for over a century now, and its importance has waxed and waned over the years. Of late, however, it has become among a staple method of moving one of most vital substances to modern life and industry, and this has come with a number of consequences for spill management environmental stewardship, and spill kits worldwide.
In a state that is not short of superlatives, Fraser Island stands out strongly. The world’s largest sand island is a product of 750 000 of years of erosion working its magic along the coast of Australia, as sediments, carried by a strong northerly ocean current, wrapped around the Sandy National Park and deposited them on the 120 kilometre expanse of Fraser Island.