• Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits

Industrial Cleaning Chemicals: Types, Applications, and Best Practices

From the bustling floors of manufacturing facilities to the sterile environments of healthcare institutions, the significance of effective cleaning is undeniable. To keep these diverse industrial settings in top shape, industrial cleaning chemicals become paramount, ensuring not only cleanliness but also contributing to the overall functionality and safety of the environment. Join us to learn more about cleaning chemicals, their types, uses and efficient usage.

What are Industrial Cleaning Chemicals?

Industrial cleaning chemicals are specialised substances formulated to effectively clean, sanitise, and maintain various surfaces and environments within industrial settings. These chemicals are designed to address the unique challenges and specific requirements of industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, food processing, and more. Unlike common household cleaning products, industrial cleaning chemicals are often more concentrated and tailored to tackle heavy-duty cleaning tasks.

Types of Industrial Cleaning Chemicals

The types of industrial cleaning chemicals vary widely, each serving a specific purpose. Some common categories include:


Designed to break down and remove grease, oil, and other stubborn industrial residues from machinery, equipment, and surfaces.


Formulated to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. They are essential for maintaining sterile conditions, especially in healthcare and food processing environments.


Used to dissolve and remove specific substances, such as paints, adhesives, or oils, from surfaces.

Acidic Cleaners 

Effective in removing mineral deposits, scale, and rust from surfaces in industrial settings.

Alkaline Cleaners

Particularly useful for removing heavy soiling, grease, and carbon deposits.


Targeted at reducing the microbial population on surfaces to safe levels, ensuring a hygienic environment.


Designed to remove scale and mineral deposits from equipment such as boilers, heat exchangers, and pipes.

The selection of industrial cleaning chemicals depends on the nature of the contaminants, the type of surface or equipment being cleaned, and the specific hygiene requirements of the industry.

Common Applications of Industrial Cleaning Chemicals

Industrial cleaning chemicals find diverse applications across various sectors due to their specialised formulations and capabilities. Some common applications of these chemicals include:

Manufacturing and Production Facilities

Industrial facilities often use degreasers and solvents to clean machinery and equipment, removing built-up grease, oil, and residues that can impact performance. Whereas, heavy-duty floor cleaners help remove oils, lubricants, and other industrial substances from factory floors, ensuring a safe and clean working environment.

Healthcare Institutions

Disinfectants play a critical role in healthcare settings, maintaining a sterile environment, preventing the spread of infections and ensuring patient safety. Chemicals designed for instrument sterilisation are also vital in healthcare facilities to ensure that medical instruments are free from harmful micro-organisms.

Food Processing and Service Industry

Sanitisers are used to clean and sanitise food processing equipment, surfaces, and utensils, preventing cross-contamination and ensuring food safety. Industrial cleaning chemicals are employed to maintain hygiene in food preparation areas, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Automotive Maintenance

Degreasers and solvents are commonly used to clean automotive engines and parts, removing oil, grease, and dirt to improve performance and extend the lifespan of components.

Facility Maintenance and Janitorial Services

Specialised cleaners and disinfectants are used for restroom maintenance, ensuring a clean and sanitary environment for occupants. Industrial-strength glass cleaners are usually employed for large windows and glass surfaces in commercial buildings.

Agriculture and Farming

Farmers use industrial cleaning chemicals to clean and sanitise agricultural equipment, preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring the efficiency of machinery.

Water Treatment Facilities

Descaling agents are used to remove mineral deposits and scale from pipes, pumps, and other equipment in water treatment facilities.

Tips for Effective Usage

Optimising the effectiveness of industrial cleaning chemicals requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some tips for their effective usage:

  • Always adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the proper use, dilution ratios, and application methods for each industrial cleaning chemical for optimal performance and safety.
  • Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and eye protection, when handling industrial cleaning chemicals.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in work areas to minimise exposure to fumes.
  • Store industrial cleaning chemicals in designated areas with adequate ventilation, away from incompatible substances.
  • When diluting concentrated cleaning solutions, use accurate measuring devices and follow recommended dilution ratios. Too much or too little dilution can affect the chemical’s performance.
  • Before widespread application, test the industrial cleaning chemical in a small, inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility with the surface and to verify that it achieves the desired results without causing damage.
  • Different cleaning tasks require specific types of industrial cleaning chemicals. Choose the appropriate chemical based on the nature of the contaminants, the type of surface, and the desired outcome.
  • Depending on the application, use the right cleaning tools and equipment. This includes brushes, scrubbers, mops, or pressure washers that complement the cleaning chemical being used.
  • Allow the cleaning chemical sufficient time to work on the surface. Follow recommended dwell periods to ensure the chemical has enough time to break down contaminants before rinsing or wiping.
  • After the application of industrial cleaning chemicals, rinse surfaces thoroughly to remove any residue. Residual chemicals can lead to buildup and may compromise the cleanliness of the treated area.
  • Provide training to individuals responsible for using industrial cleaning chemicals. Ensure they are familiar with safety protocols, proper application techniques, and the specific requirements of each cleaning task.


Your Trusted Commercial Cleaning Chemicals Suppliers in Australia

As your trusted supplier of commercial cleaning chemicals in Australia, Ecospill takes pride in providing seamless workplace maintenance solutions. Our industrial-grade cleaning chemicals, ranging from 1-litre and 5-litre containers to bulk 20-litre options, are meticulously crafted to meet the diverse needs of Australian industries.

Understanding the significance of aligning with local conditions, Ecospill ensures optimal performance and reliability by manufacturing all our cleaning products within Australia. This commitment not only contributes to a cleaner and safer environment but also enhances productivity for industries across the country.

Choose Ecospill for excellence in industrial cleaning solutions. Contact us today.