• Posted by: Ecospill Spill Kits

9 Tips for Effectively Cleaning Up After Building Work

Congratulations, the building work is finally done! However, before you can fully admire your hard work, there is one last task that needs your attention: cleaning up the mess left behind.

Whether it is sawdust, paint splatters, or discarded materials, it is essential to get everything cleared away to leave the site in pristine condition. But where do you even start? We have nine helpful tips for efficiently cleaning up after building work, so you can leave every job site looking its best.

Why is it Important to Clean Up After Building Work?

The post-construction period can be stressful and overwhelming, but cleaning and sanitising the property can prevent potential hazards and create a positive first impression.

Some of the reasons why it’s crucial to clean up after building work include:

  • Safety: A messy site is a hazard waiting to happen. During construction, debris and other materials can accumulate, creating a hazardous environment. Cleaning up after building work helps remove these potential hazards and creates a safer space for future occupants.
  • Health: Dust and other particles left behind after building work can pose health risks. These particles can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. Proper cleaning and sanitation can remove these particles, creating a healthier environment.
  • Aesthetics: A clean and well-maintained space is visually appealing and demonstrates professionalism and pride in your work, which can help attract future clients or tenants.
  • Compliance: In some cases, local regulregulations can result in fines or other penalties.

ations may require that a property be cleaned and sanitised after building work. Failure to comply with these By taking the time to clean the property thoroughly, you are basically demonstrating your commitment to quality work and a job well done. To read more about building and construction cleaning, refer to this resource by Safe Work Australia .

9 Tips for Cleaning Up After Building Work

Cleaning up after building work can be stressful, but with the right approach and tools, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are nine tips to help you with effective cleaning after building work:

1. Plan ahead

Before you start cleaning, make a plan of attack, and prioritise your cleaning tasks accordingly. Walk through the property and identify the areas that require the most attention. You may have specific areas that require more cleaning than others. For example, if there was a lot of drywall work done, you may need to focus on cleaning up drywall dust and debris in the affected areas.

2. Use the right tools

Consider the tools and cleaning products you’ll need. Depending on the type of work that was carried out and the areas you need to clean, you may need specific tools and cleaning products to get the job done effectively. As a general rule, you may need a broom, dustpan, mop, wet/dry vacuum, and cleaning chemicals.

3. Focus on high-traffic areas

High-traffic areas are called so for a reason; they tend to get the most foot traffic, which means they accumulate more dirt and debris than other areas of the property. As a result, it is crucial to pay special attention to these areas when you’re cleaning up after building work, such as entryways, hallways, and staircases. Be sure to thoroughly vacuum and mop these areas, paying attention to corners and edges where dirt and debris tend to accumulate more. By focusing on high-traffic areas, you can ensure the property is clean and safe for others to move around.

4. Dust first

Dusting should be the first step in your post-build cleaning process because it’s a quick and easy way to remove loose dust and debris from surfaces. By starting with dusting, you can prevent the dust from settling on newly cleaned surfaces and save yourself the time and effort of re-cleaning those areas later. Be sure to use a microfiber cloth or duster, as these are more effective at trapping dust and preventing it from spreading into the air. Additionally, you may want to consider wearing a dust mask to protect your lungs from airborne particles while you work.

5. Use a wet/dry vacuum

Using a wet/dry vacuum can also help save you time and effort compared to using a regular vacuum or broom. Because of its ability to handle both wet and dry messes, you can quickly and easily clean up spills or wet areas, as well as dry debris. It can be particularly helpful in areas such as bathrooms or kitchens where water and moisture may be present. Additionally, the powerful suction of a wet/dry vacuum can help remove debris that may be lodged in carpets or crevices, making it a valuable tool for thoroughly cleaning up after construction.

6. Clean windows and glass

Cleaning windows and glass surfaces can significantly impact the overall appearance of a property, both inside and out. After construction, these surfaces are likely to be covered in dust and debris, making them appear cloudy or streaky. Using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth can help remove any dirt and leave the glass surfaces looking clean and sparkly. It is also necessary to clean any window tracks or sills that may have accumulated debris during the construction process to improve air quality and prevent any potential damage or deterioration over time.

7. Use a high-pressure washer

A high-pressure washer is extremely useful for cleaning outdoor areas that are exposed to the elements and can accumulate tough stains and grime during construction work. The water stream can effectively remove dirt and grime from hard surfaces such as concrete and brick, leaving them looking clean and new. However, use caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a high-pressure washer to avoid damaging the surfaces being cleaned.

8. Pay attention to air quality

Good air quality is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe environment. During after-build cleaning, dust and debris can become airborne, leading to respiratory problems, especially for those with allergies or asthma. By opening windows and doors, you can promote air circulation and ventilation, while an air purifier can effectively filter out any harmful particles, providing a cleaner and healthier living space.

9. Use cleaning chemicals

Cleaning chemicals can help to remove tough stains and grime, and kill any germs and bacteria that may have accumulated during the building process. When using cleaning chemicals, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective gloves and eyewear if necessary. Consider using eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products to minimise any potential harm to the environment and yourself. Additionally, focus on high-touch areas such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops to ensure a thorough and effective clean.

Get the Cleaning Chemicals You Need to Tackle Your After-Build Cleaning Project with Ease!

Cleaning up after a building project can be a challenging task, but with the right plan and tools in hand, it can be manageable.

If you’re ready to tackle your after-build cleaning project with confidence, let Ecospill provide you with the cleaning chemicals you need to get the job done right. Our industrial-grade products are designed to simplify and streamline the cleaning process, leaving you with a spotless and safe post-construction site.

Contact us today to learn more about our selection of cleaning products and how we can help make your after-build cleanup a breeze.