Spill kits Melbourne

The varied industry of Melbourne demands an equally adaptive and versatile set of spill kits. Like in every other workplace in Australia, spill kits are an absolute necessity anywhere that oil, fuel, or any toxic chemicals are in use. Properly employed, a spill kit keeps unsafe elements from spreading in to the local environment or endangering your workplace and employees.

At Ecospill, we offer a wide variety of spill kits to Melbourne for any situation, including:

  • Oil & Fuel Spill Kits: for use with any hydrocarbon or fuel spills. These are particularly popular with service stations.
  • General Purpose Spill Kits: Our all-round spill kit cleans up fuel and oil, as well as elements like agricultural chemicals and coolants.
  • Chemical Spill Kits: Quick-acting formula, for use with toxic chemicals
  • Mercury Spill Kits
  • Laboratory and Body Fluid Spill Kits: for use in laboratories or hospitals.

But we go further than just sales. With most spill kits having a shelf life on their effectiveness, we take the responsibility for replacing a defunct spill kit off of your shoulders. We will replace an Ecospill spill kit at your Melbourne workplace as soon as it is no longer effective, so you don’t have to. We can ensure that your firm is in compliance with local regulatory guidelines, and that in the event of a spill, you won’t be left with a hefty fine.

At Ecospill, we work towards the safety and cleanliness of Australian workplaces and the environment, with top-quality spill kits. Contact us to find out more.

Melbourne, the second-largest city in Australia, lies to the north of Port Phillips Bay Heads. The city is known for its sporting culture, hosting the Australian Open, Australian Grand Prix, and more lately, the Cricket World Cup. Its leafy suburbs also feature many notable universities and colleges.